Podcast: From Grain Forecasts to Dairy Profits: HighGround Dairy August Monthly Market Update with Curtis Bosma

Podcast: From Grain Forecasts to Dairy Profits: HighGround Dairy August Monthly Market Update with Curtis Bosma

With a tight milk supply and a perfect storm brewing in the grain market, there’s a lot to unpack in this month’s update! HighGround Dairy’s Curtis Bosma shares insights on key market trends, risk management, margin optimization, and strategies to keep dairy producers resilient during market volatility on a new episode of the Uplevel Dairy Podcast with Peggy Coffeen. Tune in and learn how these market shifts could impact your bottom line.

Click the image below to listen to the episode now!

Find out how the markets are moving and how it could impact your bottom line and grab your copy of the August Market Report here.

Grab your copy of the FMMO Whitepaper here.
